Rabu, 18 November 2009

Indahnya Dzikir Bersama

Keutamaan Dzikir Dan Kalimat Tauhid

Abu Hurairah ra berkata, Rasulullah saw bersabda : “Sesungguhnya Allah Jalla Wa`ala mempunyai malaikat yang bertugas mondar-mandir di jalan mencari ahli dzikir.

Apabila mereka mendapati suatu kaum yang sedang berdzikir kepada Allah mereka memanggil manggil :”marilah kepada keperluanmu/hajatmu”. Sang Nabi saw bersabda :”Para Malaikat itu mengitari dengan sayap mereka ke langit dunia”. Kemudian Sang Nabi bersabda: Allah berfirman pada hal Allah Maha Mengetahui tentang mereka:

“Apakah yang diucapkan oleh para hamaba Ku?”.

Sang Nabi saw bersabda : Para malaikat menjawab : “Mereka sedang men sucikan Mu, mem Besar kan Mu, memuji Mu, dan me Maha Muliakan Mu”. Allah berfirman: “Apakah mereka melihat Ku?”, sang nabi saw bersabda : “Mereka menjawab: Tidak, Demi Allah mereka tidak melihat Mu”. Sang Nabi saw bersabda : “Allah berfirman :”bagaimana seandainya mereka melihat Ku?”. Sang Nabi saw bersabda : “Mereka menjawab:”seandainya mereka melihat Mu, niscaya mereka lebih bersemangat kepada Mu, lebih memuliakan, lebih memuji dan lebih mensucikan Mu.

Kemudian sang nabi saw bersabda : Allah berfirman : “Apakah yang mereka pinta kepada Ku?”, Beliau saw bersabda : “Mereka meminta surga kepada Mu”. Beliau saw bersabda :”Para malaikat menjawab :”Apakah mereka telah melihat surga?”. Sang Nabi saw bersabda : Para malaikat mejawab :” Tidak, demi Allah mereka belum pernah melihat surga.”

Allah berfirman : “bagaimanakah seandainya mereka melihat surga?”.

Sang Nabi saw bersabda :”Mereka menjawab :”Seandainya mereka melihat surga, pasti mereka lebih bersemangat terhadapnya, lebih meminta dan lebih menyukainya.”

Allah berfirman :” Terhadap apa mereka berlindung?”. Sang Nabi saw bersabda :Para malaikat menjawab : “Mereka berlindung dari Neraka.”

Sang nabi saw bersabda: Allah berfirman : “Apakah mereka pernah melihat neraka?”.

Sang nabi saw bersabda ;Mereka menjawab, Tidak, demi Allah mereka belum pernah melihat neraka.

Sang Nabi saw bersabda : Allah berfirman :”Bagaimana seandainya mereka melihat neraka?”.

Sang Nabi saw bersabda: Mereka menjawab : “Seandainya mereka melihat neraka, niscaya mereka lebih merasa takut dan lari.”

Kemudian Sang Nabi saw bersabda : Allah berfirman : wahai para malaikatku Aku persaksikan kepada kalian bahwa Aku (Allah ) telah mengampuni mereka.”

Sang Nabi saw bersabda : “salah satu malaikat berkata” Wahai Allah Ada diantara mereka si fulan yang niatnya tidak ikhlas. Kehadirannya hanya karena ada keperluan”.

Allah berfirman : “Mereka semua yang duduk, dimana orang yang duduk bersama mereka tidak akan celaka”.
(HR Bukhari)

Selasa, 03 November 2009


“Muhammad bin Utsman bin Karamah bercerita kepada kami,Khalid bin Makhlad bercerita kepada kami, Sulaiman bin Bilal bercerita kepada kami,Syarik bin Abdullah bin Abu Namr bercerita kepadaku dari ~Atha dari Abu Hurairah ra Rasulullah saw bersabda : “Sesungguhnya Allah Yang Maha Mulia dan Maha Besar berfirman: “Barang siapa yang memusuhi salah satu Wali Ku, maka Aku telah mengumumkan perang kepadanya. HambaKu tidak mendekatkan diri kepadaKu dengan sesuatu yang paling Aku sukai dari pada sesuatu yang Aku fardhukan atasnya. HambaKu senantiasa mendekatkan diri kepadaKu dengan sunnah-sunnah sampai Aku mencintainya. Apabila Aku mencintainya maka Aku menjadi pandangan yang untuk melihatnya, pendengaran untuk mendengarnya, tangan untuk menggapainya dan kaki yang untuk berjalan olehnya. Jika ia memohon kepadaKu, niscaya Aku benar2 memberinya, jika ia memohon perlindungan, pasti Aku benar-benar melindunginya. Dan Aku tidak ragu terhadap sesuatu yang Aku lakukan seperti kebimbanganKu terhadap jiwa hambaKu yang beriman yang mana ia tidak senang mati sedang Aku tidak senang berbuat buruk terhadapnya.”

Dalam riwayat lain dari Sayyidah Aisyah ra:

“Dan pikirannya yang untuk berfikir serta lidah yang untuk berbicara”.

Dalam riwayat lain dari Anas ra:

“Barang siapa yang Aku cintai maka Aku menjadi pendengarannya, penglihatannya dan penguat baginya.”

Jumat, 25 September 2009

Akhlak and ethic kindness RASULALLAH S.A.W the we ought to make suri tauladan in experiencing life

Beggar Yahudi and Rasulullah saw

There is a proper example [of] byword of attitude RasuluLlah SAW. Firman Allah:laqad ka-na lakum fi- rasu-liLla-hi uswatun hasanatu limang ka-na yarjuLla-ha wal yawmal a-khira dzakaraLla-ha katsiyran (s. al ahza-b), mean: In fact there have in ( x'self) Rasulullah that good byword for you ( that is) for the people hope ( blessing) God and ( arrival) doomsday and call God a lot of ( 33:21).
In market angle;corner Madinah a beggar of blind Jew day in day out if is the people come near it he always say " Wahai my you don't come near Muhammad, he/she that lunatic, he/she that Iiar, he/she that sorcerer, if all of you come near it all of you akandipengaruhinya".
But each;every morning Rasulullah SAW visit it by bringing the food, and without saying broken word even also Rasulullah SAW feed up the brought by theX food [of] it to that beggar although the beggar is always notice in order not to come near the so called people Muhammad. Rasulullah SAW do it [so/till] nearing Rasulullah SAW pass away.
After passing away Rasulullah nothing like the people bring the food each;every morning to beggar of blind Jew itu.Suatu day Abu Bakar R.A. pay a visit to his child house St ' Aisyah R.ha.Beliau the questioning to his child, " My child [is] there any sunnah my lover ( Muhammad) which I not yet done?". St ' Aisyah R.ha answer question of his father, " Wahai Ayah, thou is expert sunnah next to nothing one sunnah even also which is father not yet do except one sunnah". " [Whether/ what] Itu?", ask Abu Bakar R.A. " Each;Every morning Rasulullah SAW always go to market back part by bringing the food to a beggar of blind Jew residing in there", word St ' Aisyah R.H.
Keesokan his day Abu Bakar R.A. go to market by bringing the food to give it to that beggar. Ash Bakar R.A. visit that beggar and give that food kepadanya.Ketika Abu Bakar R.A. start it feeding up, the angry beggar at the same time berteriak,"siapakah yours?". Ash Bakar R.A answer, " ordinary People me". " [Is] not!, thou is not ordinary people visit the me", answer the that blind beggar, " If he come to me not hard [of] this hand hold and not hard [of] this mouth munch. ordinary people visit the me is always feed up the me smoothly", that beggar continue his word. Ash Bakar R.A. cannot arrest;detain its tear, he weep at the same time say to that beggar, " I truely [is] not ordinary people come [at] you, I am one of the from his friend, that excellency people have the no. He is Muhammad Rasulullah SAW." After that beggar hear the story Abu Bakar R.A. he even also follow to weep, then say, " Is it correct?, during the time I always affront it, libel it, he have never made angry the even little me, he visit the me by bringing the food each;every morning, he so glorify..." Beggar of the blind Jew finally have fore creed [to] Abu Bakar R.A.
Wallahu a'lamu bishshawab.
That ethic kindness rasulullah, although we cannot follow it all nature of and ahlak RASULALLAH possibly at least we can..!!

Selasa, 22 September 2009


sambungan 60 sahabat Muhammad rasulullah saw

Pada suatu hari  Mush`ab tampil di hadapan beberapa orang muslimin yang sedang duduk di sekeliling Rasulullah saw. Demi memandang Mush`ab, mereka sama menundukkan kepala dan memejamkan mata, sementara beberapa orang matanya basah karena duka. Mereka melihat Mush`ab memakai jubah usang yang bertambal-tambal, padahal belum lagi hilang dari ingatan mereka, sebelum masuk islam – tak ubahnya bagaikan kembang di taman, berwarna-warni dan menghamburkan bau wangi.
            Adapaun Rasulullah saw, menatapnya dengna pandangan penuh arti, disertai cinta kasih dan syukur dalam hati, pada kedua bibirnya tersungging senyuman mulia nan indah seraya bersabda:

“Dahulu saya lihat Mush`ab ini tak ada yang mengimbangi dalam memperoleh kesenangan dari orang tuanya, kemudian ditinggalkannya semua itu demi cintanya kepada Allah dan Rasul Nya.”

            Semenjak ibunya merasa putus asa untuk mengembalikan Mush`ab kepada agama yang lama, ia telah menghentikan segala pemberian yang biasa dilimpahkan kepadanya, bahkan ia tak sudi nasinya dimakan orang yang telah mengingkari berhala dan patut beroleh kutukan daripadanya, walau anak kandungnya sendiri.
Akhir pertemuan Mush`ab dengan ibunya, ketika perempuan itu hendak mengurungnya lagi sewaktu ia pulang dari Habasyah. Ia pun bersumpah dan menyatakan tekadnya untukmembunuh orang-orang suruhan ibunya bila rencana itu dilakukan. Karena sang ibu telah mengetahui kebulatan tekad putranya yang telah mengabil satu keputusan, tak ada jalan lain baginya kecuali melepasnya dengan cucuran airmata, sementara Mush`ab mengucapkan selamat berpisah dengan menangis pula.

Saat perpisahan itu menggambarkan kepaa kita kegigihan luar biasa dalam kekafiran pihak ibu, sebaliknya kebulatan tekad yang lebih besar dalam mempertahankan keimanan dari pihak anak. Ketika sang ibu mengusirnya dari rumah sambil berkata : ‘Pergilah sesuka hatimu! Aku bukan ibumu lagi”. Maka Mush`ab pun menghampiri ibunya sambil berkata : “Wahai bunda! Telah ananda sampaikan nasihat kepada bunda, dan ananda menaruh kasihan kepada bunda. Karena itu saksikanlah bahwa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah, dan Muhammad saw adalah hamba dan utusan Nya”.

Dengan murka dan naik darah ibunya menyahut: “Demi bintang! Sekali-kali aku takkan masuk ke dalam Agamamu itu. Otakku bias jadi rusak, dan buah pikiranku takkan diindahkan orang lagi”.

Demikian Mush`ab meninggalkan kemewahan dan kesenangan yang dialaminya selama itu, dan memilih hidup miskin dan sengsara. Pemuda ganteng dan parlente itu, kini telah menjadi seorang melrata dengan pakaiannya yang kasar dan usang, sehari makan dan beberapa hari menderita lapar.

Tetapi jiwanya yang telah dihiasi dengan aqidah suci dan cemerlang berkat sepuhan Nur Ilahi, telah merubah dirinya menjadi seorang manusia lain, yaitu manusia yang dihormati, penuh wibawa dan disegani.

Suatu saat Mush`ab dipilih Rasulullah saw untuk melaksanakan tugas maha penting saat itu. Ia menjadi duta atau utusan Rasulullah saw ke Madinah untuk mengajarkan seluk beluk Agama Islam kepada orang-orang Anshar yang telah beriman dan berbai`at  kepada Rasulullah saw di bukit `Aqabah. Di samping itu mengajak orang-orang lain untuk menganut Agama Allah, serta mempersiapkan kota Madinah untuk menyambut hijratul Rasul saw sebagai peristiwa besar.

Sebenarnya di kalangan sahabat ketika itu masih banyka yang lebih tua, lebih berpengaruh dan lebih dekat hubungan kekeluargaan dengan Rasulullah saw daripada Mush`ab. Tetapi Rasulullah saw menjatuhkan pilihannya kepada “Mush`ab yang baik”. Dan bukan tidak menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa bel;iau telah memikulkan tugas yang amat penting ke atas pundak pemuda itu, dan menyerahkan kepadanya tanggung jawab nasib Agama Islam di kota Madinah, suatu kota yang tak lama lagi akan menjadi kota tepatan atau kota hijrah, pusat para da`I dan dakwah, tempat berhimpunnya penyebar agama dan pembela islam.

Mush`ab memikul amanat itu dengan bekal karunia Allah kepadanya, berupa fikiran yang cerdas dan budi yang luhur. Dengan sifat Zuhud, kejujuran dan kesungguhan hati, ia berhasil melunakkan dan menawan hati penduduk Madinah hingga mereka berduyun-duyun masuk Islam.

Sesampainya di Madinah, didapatinya kaumMuslimin di sana tidak lebih dari dua belas orang, yakni hanya orang-orang yang telah bai`at di bukit Aqabah. Tetapi tiada sampai beberapa bulan kemudian, meningkatlah orang yang sama-sama memenuhi panggilan Allah dan Rasul Nya.

Pada musim haji berikutnya dari perjanjian `Aqabah, kaum Muslimin Madinah mengirim perutusan yang mewakili mereka menemui sang Nabi saw. Dan perutusan itu dipimpin oleh guru mereka, oleh duta yang dikirim sang Nabi saw kepada mereka, yaitu Mush`ab bin Umair.

Dengan tindakannya yang tepat dan bijaksana, Mush`ab bin Umair telah membuktikan bahwa pilihan Rasulullah saw atas dirinya itu tepat. Ia memahami tugas dengan sepenuhnya, hingga tak terlanjur melampaui batas yang telah ditetapkan. Ia sadar bahwa tugasnya adalah menyeru kepada Allah, menyampaikan berita gembira lahirnya suatu Agama yang mengajak manusia mencapai hidayah Allah, membimbing mereka ke jalan yang lurus. Akhlaknya mengikuti pola hidup Rasulullah saw yang diimaninya, yang mengemban kewajiban hanya menyampaikan belaka.

Di Madinah Mush`ab tinggal sebagai tamu di rumah As`ad bin Zararah. Dengan didampingi As`ad, ia pergi mengunjungi kabilah-kabilah, rumah-rumah dan tempat-tempat pertemuan, untuk membacakan ayat-ayat Kitab Suci Allah, menyampaikan kalimat Tauhid secara hati-hati.

Pernah ia menghadapi beberapa peristiwa yang mengancam keselamatan diri serta sahabatnya, yang nyaris celaka kalau tidak karena kecerdasan akal dan kebesaran jiwanya. Suatu hari, ketika ia sedang memberikan petuah kepada orang-orang, tiba-tiba disergap Usaid bin Hudlair kepala suku kabilah Abdul Asyhal di Madinah. Usaid menodong Mush`ab dengan menyentakkan lembingnya. Bukan main marah dan murkanya Usaid, menyaksikan Mush`ab yang dianggap mengacau dan menyelewengkan anak buahnya dari agama mereka, serta mengemukakan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang belum mereka kenal dan dengar sebelum itu. Padahal menurut anggapan Usaid, tuhan-tuhan mereka yang bersimpuh lena di tempatnya masing-masing mudah dihubungi secara kongkrit. Jika seseorang memerlukan salah satu diantaranmya, tentulah ia akan mengetahui tempatnya dan segera pergi mengunjunginya untuk memaparkan kesulitan serta menyampaikan permohonan…..Demikianlah yang tergambar dan terbayang dalam fikiran suku Abdul Asyhal. Tetapi Tuhannya Muhammad saw.- yang diserukan beribadah kepada Nya oleh utusan yang dating kepada mereka itu, tiadalah yang mengetahui tempat Nya dan tak seorangpun yang dapat melihat Nya.

Demi dilihat kedatangan Usaid bin Hudlair yang murka bagaikan api sedang berkobar kepada orang-orang islam yang duduk bersama Mush`ab, mereka pun merasa kecut dan takut. Tetapi “Mush`ab Yang Baik” tetap tinggal tenang dengan air muka yang tidak berubah.

Bagaikan singa hendak menerkam, Usaid berdiri di depan Mush`ab dan As`ad bin Zararah, bentaknya : “Apa maksud kalian dating ke kampong kami ini, apakah hendak membodohi rakyat kecil kai? Tinggalkan segera tempat ini, jika tak ingin segera nyawa melayang!”

Seperti tenang dan mantapnya samudera dalam……, laksana terang dan damainya cahaya fajar…., terpancarlah ketulusan hati “Mush`ab yang baik”, dan bergeraklah lidahnya mengeluarkan ucapan halus, katanya: “Kenapa anda tidak duduk mendengarkan dulu? Seandainya anda menyukai nanti, anda dapat menerimanya. Sebaliknya jika tidak, kami akan menghentikan apa yang tidak anda sukai itu”.

Sebenarnya Usaid seorang berakal dan berfikiran sehat. Dan sekarang ini ia diajak oleh Mush`ab untuk berbicara dan meminta pertimbangan kepada hati nuraninya sendiri. Yang diminta hanyalah agar ia bersedia mendengar dan bukan lainnya. Jika ia menyetujui, ia kana membiarkan Mush`ab, dan jika tidak, maka Mush`ab berjanji akan meninggalkan kampong dan masyarakat mereka untuk mencari tempat dan masyarakat lain, dengan tidak merugikan ataupun dirugikan orang lain.

“Sekarang saya insyaf”, uajar Usaid, lalu menjatuhkan lembingnya ke tanah dan duduk mendengarkan. Demi Mush`ab membacakan ayat-ayat Al-Qur`an dan menguraikan dakwah yang dibawa oleh sayyidina Muhammad saw, maka dada Usaid pun mulai terbuka dan bercahaya, beralun berirama mengikuti naik turunnya suara serta meresapi keindahannya. Dan belum lagi Mush`ab selesai dari uraiannya. Usaid pun berseru kepadanya dan kepada sahabatnya : “Alangkah indah dan benarnya ucapan itu…..! Dan apakah yang harus dilakukan oleh orang yang hendak masuk Agama ini?” Maka sebagai jawabannya gemuruhlah suara tahlil, serempak seakan hendak menggoncangkan bumi. Kemudian ujar Mush`ab : “Hendaklah ia mensucikan diri, pakaian dan badannya, serta bersaksi bahwa tiada Tuhan yang haq diibadahi melainkan Allah.”

Beberapa lama Usaid meninggalkan mereka, kemudian kembali sambil memeras air dari rambutnya, lalu ia berdiri sambil menyatakan pengakuannya bahwa tiada Tuhan yang haq diibadahi melainkan Allah dan bahwa  Muhammad saw itu utusan Allah.

Secepatnya berita itupun tersiarlah. Keislaman Usaid disusul oleh kehadiran Sa`ad bin Mu`adz. Dan setelah mendengar uraian Mush`ab, Sa`ad merasa puas dan masuk islam pula.

Langkah ini disusul pula oleh Sa`ad bin `Ubadah. Dan dengan keislaman mereka ini, berarti selesailah persoalan dengan berbagai suku yang ada di Madinah. Warga kota Madinah saling berdatangan dan tanya -bertanya  sesame mereka: “Jika Usaid bin Hudlair, Sa`ad bin `Ubadah dan Sa`ad bin Mu`adz telah masuk islam, apalagi yang kita tunggu…Ayolah kita pergi kepada Mush`ab dan beriman bersamanya! Kata orang, kebenaran itu terpancar dari celah-celah giginya!”.

Demikianlah duta Rasulullah saw yang pertama telah mencapai hasil gemilang yang tiada taranya, suatu keberhasilan yang memang wajar dan layak diperolehnya. Hari-hari dan tahun-tahun pun berlalu, dan Rasulullah saw bersama para sahabatnya hijrah ke Madinah.

 Orang-orang kafir Qurasy semakin geram dengan dendamnya, mereka menyiapkan teanag untuk melanjutkan tindakan kekerasan terhadap hamba-hamba Allah yang shalih. Terjadilah perang Badar dan kaum kafir qurasy pun beroleh pelajaran pahit yang menghabiskan sisa-sisa fikiran sehat mereka, hingga mereka berusaha menebus kekalahan. Kemudian datanglah giliran perang Uhud, dan kaum Muslimin pun bersiap-siap mengatur barisan. Rasulullah saw berdiri di tengah barisan itu, menatap setiap wajah orang beriman menyelidiki siapa yang sebaiknya membawa bendera . Maka terpanggillah “Mush`ab yang baik’, dan pahlawan itu tampil sebagai pembawa bendera.

Peperangan berkobar lalu berkecamuk dengan sengitnya. Pasukan panah melanggar tidak mentaati perintah Rasulullah saw, mereka meninggalkan kedudukannya di celah bukit setelah melihat orang-orang kafir qurasy menderita kekalahan dan mengundurkan diri. Perbuatan mereka itu secepatnya merubah suasana, hingga kemenangan Kaum Muslimin beralih menjadi kekalahan.

Dengan tidak diduga pasukan berkuda kafir Qurasy menyerbu kaum Muslimin dari puncak bukit, lalu tombak dan pedang pun berdentang bagaikan mengamuk, membantai Kaum Muslimin yang tengah kacau balau. Melihat barisan Kaum Muslimin porak-poranda, musuh pun menunjukkan serangan kea rah Rasulullah saw dengan maksud menghantamnya.

Mush`ab bin Umair menyadari suasana gawat ini. Maka diacungkannya bendera setingi-tingginya dan bagaikanngauman singa ia bertakbir sekeras-kerasnya, lalu maju ke muka, melompat, mengelak dan berputar lalu menerkam. Minatnya tertuju untk menarik perhatian musuh kepadanya dan melupakan Rasulullah saw. Dengan demikian dirinya pribadi bagaikan membentuk barisan tentara.

Sungguh, walaupun seorang diri, tetapi Mush`ab bertempur laksana pasukan tentara besar. Sebelah tangannya memegang bendera bagaikan tamneng kesaktian, sedang yang sebelah lagi menebaskan pedang dengan matanya yang tajam. Tetapi musuh kian bertambah banyak juga, mereka hendak menyeberang dengan menginjak-injak tubuhnya untuk mencapai rasulullah saw.

Sekarang marilah kita perhatikan saksi mata, yang akan mencritakan saat-sata terakhir pahlawan besar Mush`ab bin Umair.

Berkata Ibnu Sa`ad : “Diceritakan kepada kami oleh Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Syurahbil al-`Abdari dari bapaknya, ia berkata :

“Mush`ab bin Umair adalah pembawa bendera di Perang Uhud. Tatkala barisan Kaum Muslimin pecah, Mush`ab bertahan pada kedudukannya. Datanglah seorang musuh berkuda, Ibnu Quaimah namanya, lalu menebas tangannya hingga putus, sementara Mush`ab mengucapkan : “Muhammad itu tiada lain hanyalah seorang Rasul”. Maka dipegangnya bendera dengan tangan kirinya sambil membungkuk melindunginya. Musuh pun menebas tangan kirinya itu hingga putus pula. Mush`ab membungkuk kearah bendera, lalu dengan kedua pangkal lengan meraih kedada sambil mengucapkan : Muhammad itu tiada lain hanyalah seorang Rasul, dan sebelumnya telah didahului oleh beberapa Rasul”. Lalu orang berkuda itu menyerangnya ketiga kali dengan tombak, dan menusukkannya hingga tombak itu pun patah. Mush`ab pun gugur, dan bendera jatuh”.

Gugurlah mush`ab dan jatuhlah bendera..Ia gugur sebagai bintang dan mahkota para syuhada. Dan hal itu dialaminya setelah keberaian yang luar biasa mengarungi kancah pengorbanan dan keimanan. Di saat itu Mush`ab berpendapat bahwa sekiranya ia gugur, tentulah jalan para pembunuh akan terbuka lebar menuju Rasulullah saw tanpa ada pembela yang akan mempertahankannya.. Demi cintanya yang tiada terbatas kepada rasulullah saw dan cemas memikirkan nasibnya nanti, ketika ia akan pergi berlalu, setipa kali pedang jatuh menerbangkan sebelah tangannya, dihiburnya dirinya dengan ucapan : “Muhammad saw itu tiada lain hanyalah seorang Rasul, dan sebelumnya telah didahului oleh beberapa Rasul”.

Kalimat yang kemudian dikukuhkan sebagai wahyu ini selalu diulang dan dibacanya sampai selesai, hingga akhirnya menjadi ayat suci Al-Qur`an yang selalu dibaca orang.

Setelah pertempuran usai,ditemukan jasad pahlawan ulung yang syahid itu terbaring dengan wajah menelungkup ke tanah digenangi darahnya yang mulia. Dan seolah-olah tubuh yang telah kaku itu masih takut menyaksikan bila Rasulullah saw ditimpa bencana, maka disembunyikannya wajahnya agar tidak melihat peristiwa yang dikhawatirkan dan ditakutkannya itu. Atau mungkin juga ia  merasa malu karena telah gugur sebelum hatinya tenteram beroleh kepastian akan keselamatan Rasulullah saw, dan sebelum ia selesai menunaikan tugasnya dalam membela dan mempertahankan Rasulullah saw sampai berhasil.

Wahai Mush`ab cukuplah bagimu Ar Rahman……
Namamu harum semerbak dalam kehidupan……..

Rasulullah saw bersama para sahabat dating meninjau medan pertempuran untuk menyampaikan perpisahan kepada para syuhada. Ketika sampai di tempat terbaringnya jasad Mush`ab, bercucurlah dengan deras air matanya. Berkata Khabbah ibnul `Urrat:

“Kami hijrah di jalan Allah bersama Rasulullah saw, dengan mengharap keridhaan-Nya, hingga pastilah sudah pahala di sisi Allah. Di antara kami ada yang telah berlalu sebelum menikmati pahalanya di dunia ini sedikitpun juga.  Diantaranya ialah mush`ab bin Umair yang tewas diperang Uhud. Tak sehelai pun kain untuk menutupinya selain sehelai burdah. Andaikan di taruh diatas kepalanya, terbukalah kedua belah kakinya. Sebaliknya bila ditutupkan ke kakinya, terbukalah kepalanya. Maka sabda Rasulullah saw : “Tutupkanlah ke bagian kepalanya, dan kakinya tutupilah dengan rumput idzkhir.”

Betapa pun luka pedih dan duka yang dalam menimpa Rasulullah saw karena gugur pamanda Hamzah dan dirusak tubuhnya oleh kafir Qurasy demikian rupa, hingga bercucurlah airmata sang Nabi saw. Dan betapapun penuhnya medan laga dengan mayat para sahabat dan kawan-kawannya, yang masing-masing mereka baginya merupakan panji-panji ketulusan, kesucian dan cahaya. Betapa juga semua itu, tapi Rasulullah saw tak melewatkan berhenti sejenak dekat jasad dutanya yang pertama, untuk melepas dan mengeluarka isi hatinya….Memang, rasulullah saw berdiri di depan Mush`ab bin Umair dengan pandangan mata yang pendek bagai menyelubunginya dengan kesetiaan dan ksih saying, dibacakannnya ayat :

Di antara orang-orang mukmin terdapat pahlawan-pahlawan yang telah menepati janjinya dengan Allah (QS. Al-Ahzab : 23)

Kemudian dengan mengeluh memandangi burdah yang digunakan untuk kain tutupnya, seraya bersabda:

“Ketika di Mekkah dulu, tak seorangpun aku lihat yang lebih halus pakaiannya dan lebih rapi rambutnya dari padamu. Tetapi sekarang ini, dengan rambutmu yang kusut masai, hanya di balut sehelai burdah.”
Setelah melayangkan pandang, pandangan sayu kea rah medan serta para syuhada kawan-kawan mush`ab yang tergeletak di atasnya, Rasulullah saw berseru:

“Sungguh, Rasulullah saw akan menjadi saksi nanti di hari qiamat, bahwa tuan-tuan semua adalah syuhada di sisi Allah.

Kemudian sambil berpaling kea rah sahabt yang masih hidup, beliau bersabda:

            “Hai manusia.. Berziarahlah dan berkunjunglah kepada mereka, serta ucapkanlah salam. Demi Allah yang menguasai nyawaku, tak seorang muslim pun sampai hari qiamat yang memberi salam kepada mereka, pasti mereka akan membalasnya.

Salam atasmu wahai Mush`ab….
Salam atasmu sekalian, Wahai para Syuhada…
Assalamu`alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Jumat, 18 September 2009


            Mush`ab bin Umair adalah seorang diatara para sahabt Nabi. Alangkah baiknya jika kita memulai kisah dengan pribadinya: Seorang remaja Qurasy terkemuka, seorang yang paling ganteng dan tampan, penuh dengan jiwa dan semangat kepemudaan.
Para muarrikh dan ahli riwayat melukiskan semangat kepemudaannya dengan kalimat: “ Seorang warga kota mekkah yang mempunyai nama paling harum .”
            Ia lahir dan dibesarkan dalam kesenangan, dan tumbuh dalam lingkungannya. Mungkin tak seorangpun diantara anak-anak muda Mekkah yang beruntung dimanjakan oleh kedua orang tuanya demikian rupa sebagai yang dialami Mush`ab bin Umair.
            Mungkinkah kiranya anak muda yang serba kecukupan, biasa hidup mewah dan dimanja, menjadi buah bibir gadis-gadis Mekkahg dan menjadi bintang di tempat –tempat pertemuan, akan meningkat sedemikian rupa hingga menjadi buah cerita tenteng keimanan, menjadi tamsil dalam semangat kepahlawanan?
Sungguh, suatu riwayat penuh pesona, riwayat Mush`ab bin Umair atau “Mush`ab yang baik’, sebagai biasa di gelarkan oleh kaum muslimin. Ia salah satu diantara pribadi-pribadi Muslimin yang ditempa dan dididik langsung oleh Sayyidina Muhammad saw.
            Tetapi corak pribadi manakh…?
            Sungguh, kisah hidupnya menjadi kebanggaan bagi kemanusiaan umumnya.
            Suatu hari anak muda ini mendengar berita yang telah tersebar luas di kalangan warga Mekkah mengenai Muhammad Al Amin saw, yang mengatakan bahwa beliau saw telah diutus Allah sebagai pembawa berita gembira maupun duka, sebagai penyeru kebaikan dan mengajak manusia beribadah kepada Allah Yang Maha Esa.
Sementara perhatian warga Mekkah terpusat pada berita tersebut dan tiada yang menjadi buah pembicaraan mereka kecuali tentang Muhammad Rasulullah saw serta agama yang dibawanya, maka anak muda yang manja ini paling banyak mendengar berita tersebut. Karena walaupun usioanya masih belia, tetapi ia menjadi bunga majlis di tempat-tempat pertemuan yang selalu diharapkan kehadirannya oleh para anggota dan teman-temannya. Wajahnya yang tampan dan otaknya yang cerdas merupakan keistimewaan Ibnu Umair, menjadi daya pemikat dan pembuka jalan pemecahan masalah.
Di antara berita yang didengarnya adalah bahwa Rasulullah saw bersama pengikutnya biasa mengadakan pertemuan di suatu tempat yang terhindar jauh dari gerombolan Kafir Qurasy dan ancaman-ancamannya, yaitu di bukit Shafa di rumah Arqam bin Abil Arqam.
            Keraguannya tiada berjalan lama, hanya sebentar waktu ia menunggu, maka pada suatu senja didorong oleh kerinduannya pergilah ia ke rumah Arqam menyertai rombongan itu. Di tempat itu Rasulullah saw sering berkumpul dengan para sahabatnya, tempat mengajarkan ayat-ayat suci Al Qur`an dan membawa mereka shalat beribadah kepada Allah Yang Maha Besar.
Baru saja Mush`ab mengambil tempat duduknya, ayat-ayat Al-Qur`an
Mulai mengalir dari sanubari Rasulullah bergema melalui kedua bibirnya dan samp[ai ke telinga, meresap di hati para pendengar. Di senja itu Mush`ab pun terpesona oleh untaian kalimat Rasulullah saw yang tepat menemui sasaran pada kalbunya.
            Hampir saja anak muda itu terangkat dari tempat duduknya karena rasa haru, dan serasa terbang ia karena gembira. Tetapi Rasulullah mengulurkan tangannya yang mulia yang penuh barakah dan kasih sayang dan mengurut dada pemuda yang sedang panas bergejolak, hingga tiba-tiba menjadi sebuah lubuk hati yang tenang dan damai, tak ubah bagai lautan yang teduh dan dalam. Pemuda yang telah Islam dan Iman itu nampak telah memiliki ilmu dan hikmah yang luas-berlipat ganda dari ukuran manusia seusianya- dan mempunyai kepekaan hati yang mampu merubah jalan sejarah….
Khunas binti Malik yakni ibunda Mush`ab, seorang yang berkepribadian kuat dan pendiriannya tak dapat ditawar atau diganggu gugat. Ia wanita yang disegani bahkan ditakuti.
            Ketika Mush`ab masuk islam, tiada satu kekuatan pun yang ditakuti dan dikhawatirkannnya selain ibunya sendiri, bahkan walau seluruh penduduk Mekkah beserta berhala-berhala para pembesar dan padang pasirnya berubah rupa menjadi suatu kekuatan yang menakutkan yang hendak menyerang dan menghancurkannya, tentulah Mush`ab akan menganggapnya enteng. Tapi tantangan dari ibunya bagi Mush`ab tidak dapat dianggap kecil. Ia pun segera berpikir keras dan mengambil keputusan untuk menyembunyikan keislamannya sampai terjadi sesuatu yang dikhendaki Allah. Demikianlah ia bolak-balik ke rumah Arqam menghadiri majelis Rasulullah saw, sedang hatinya merasa bahagia dengan keimanan dan sedia menebusnya dengan amarah murka ibunya yang belum mengetahui berita keislamannya.
Tetapi di kota Mekkah tiada rahasia yang tersembunyi, apalagi dalam suasana seperti itu. Mata kaum kafiq qurasy berkeliaran dimana-mana mengikuti setiap langkah dan menyelusuri setiap jejak.
            Kebetulan seorang yang bernama Usman bin Thalhah melihat Mush`ab memasuki rumah Arqam secara sembunyi. Kemudian pada hari yang lain ia melihat sedang shalat seperti Muhammad saw. Secepat kilat ia mendapatkan ibu Mush`ab dan melaporkan berita yang dijamin kebenarannya.
            Berdirilah Mush`ab di hadapan ibu dan keluarganya serta para pembesar Kafir Qurasy Mekkah yang berkumpul dirumahnya. Dengan hati yang yakin dan pasti dibacakannya ayat-ayat suci Al-Qur`an yang diterima dari Rasulullah saw untuk mencuci hati nurani mereka, mengisinya dengan hikamh dan kemuliaan, kejujuran dan ketaqwaan.
            Ketika sang ibu hendak membungkam mulut puteranya dengan tamparan keras, tiba-tiba tangan yang terulur bagai anak panah itu surut dan jatuh terkulai-demi meliahat nur atau cahaya yang membuat wajah yang telah berseri cemerlang itu kian berwibawa dan patut diindahkan-menimbulkan suatu ketenangan yang mendorong dihentikannya tindakan.
Karena rasa keibuannya, ibunda Mush`ab terhindar memukul dan menyakiti puteranya, tetapi tak dapat menahan diri dari tuntutan bela berhala-berhalanya dengan jalan lain. Dibawalah puteranya itu ke suatu tempat terpencil di rumahnya, lalu dikurung dan dipenjarakannya amat rapi.
            Demikianlah beberapa lama Mush`ab tinggal dalam kurungan sampai saat beberapa orang muslimin hijrah ke Habasyah (Ethiofia). Mendengar berita hijrah ini Mush`ab pun mencari muslihat, dan berhasil mengelabui ibu dan penjaga-penjaganya, lalu pergi ke Habasyah melindungkan diri. Ia tinggal disana bersama saudara-saudara kaum muhajirin, lalu pulang ke Mekkah. Kemudian ia pergi lagi hijrah kedua kalinya bersama para sahabat atas perintah Rasulullah saw dan karena taat kepadanya.
Baik di Habasyah ataupun di Mekkah, ujian dan penderitaan yang harus dilalui Mush`ab di tiap saat dan tempat kian meningkat. Ia telah selesai dan berhasil menempa corak kehidupannya menurut pola yang modelnya telah dicontohkan Muhammad saw. Ia merasa puas bahwa kehidupannya telah layak untuk dipersembahkan bagi pengurbanan terhadap Penciptanya Yang Maha Tinggi, Allah Yang Maha Besar

Kamis, 17 September 2009

The Secret of a Fly?s Wings

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Rasulullah S.A.W declared:
?If a fly falls into your drink, drown it then take it out, indeed one of its wings has disease while the other wing has the remedy.? (Shahih Bukhari)

ImageAssalamu?alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
All the Praise be to Allah S.W.T The Supreme Being, The God Almighty in the world and sky, The Only God and Everlasting even before the whole world has been created, until it is thoroughly created and being guided on how to maintain it by the most perfect guidance, until the world is over. He is (Allah) The Only God without the beginning or the end. Being existed with all creatures that must have the beginning and ending. While Allah is The Creator of the beginning and the end, hence Allah is never dependent on the words of beginning and end.

He is The Only One, The Everlasting S.W.T, ?laysa kamitslihi syai?un? there is nothing like Him, He is incomparable. QS. Assyura: 11. And unite all the perfection within His Name, The Only God, Allah S.W.T throughout the periods of time. The more a man learns what the world has; he will understand further the secret of God?s Magnificence. The more he studies the sunnah of The Prophet S.A.W the messenger of Blessings, hence he will further understand how magnificent Allah Jalla Wa Alla and His lessons are.

Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
Within this noble gathering, gathered as many servants whom souls are seen and noticed by Rabbul Alamin, The Most Observer towards each deepest feeling, The Most Watcher towards all things we have done in life, The Most Omniscient what will happen tomorrow and The Supreme Being Who is able to turn and twist our condition in the future. He is The Only God, Allah Allah Jalla Wa Alla The Most Eternal, Allah who is always glorified and always grand in the whole world, overseeing this World Kingdom with perfection.

Now we have come to the hadits of The Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. As written in Shahih Bukhari, one hadits that sounds trivial but indeed reveals the secret of nobility and perfection as well as modernity of the lessons from Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. He S.A.W declared, ?idza waqa?adzdzubabu fi syarabi ahadikum falyaghmishu tsumma liyanzi?hu fainna fi ihda janahaiyhi da?an wal ukhra syifa?an? if a fly falls into your glass, drown it, because one if its wings has disease while the other wing has its remedy.

It doesn?t mean that we must do this all the time. What we are discussing here is indeed not about a fly falling down into the glass that must be drown, because what it means from this hadits is not a command, but something that may neutralize the water from the fly?s poison. This has been proved by our scientists, as they studied about the insects on earth. They found out the enormous marvels of those insects, that a fly flaps its wings 200 to 400X (times) each second. And each second, the fly moves its wings 200 to 400X movements. And for an animal called ?Ganjur? even flaps its wings 1000X each second. The scientists studied 4 kinds of insects, they learnt about those creatures and said that they just studied 4 kinds of insects while there are still left approximately more than 10 million kind of insects in this world. And certainly, they found out many discoveries and miracles from those insects, and they said that in each of the wings of a fly, there are elevator and depressor functions, which meant as the function of elevating and lowering its wings. And it moves 200 to 400X each second, and the amazing movement of the fly which always moves in many minutes or even hours. Such fast movement of the muscles that moves the wings of such a tiny fly is amazing.

Allah S.W.T commanded ?ya ayyuhannaas..? O? humankind, has been given to all of you one example, thus listen to the example I have given, those who admit God aside from Allah S.W.T will never be able to create a fly although from naught, although all of them who are worshipped other than Allah gather together.? (QS Al Hajj 73).

All that are worshipped other than Allah gather together to create a fly, they will never be able to do it, they will never be able to create a tiny fly although they are all united.

A tiny fly, as explained by researchers from Australia, in one of its wings they found 1 RESILIN GENE, a gene that has 2 functions, an industrial function and health function. Function towards the industry is that this Resilin gene is much more powerful and enormous than all kind of rubbers found and made by humankind on this earth. The kind of rubber is taken from rubber trees or any other thing, while the Resilin gene found in the wings of a fly is much stronger and more powerful if used as rubber as it has the powerful capacity to push and press as well as the enormous capacity to bounce and these are all found from the wings of a fly and other insect that can vibrate until 1000X each second, like a creature called ?ganjur? or other insects.

And for the health function, the Resilin gene is a gene that can cure diseases found in the arteries and nerves. There are a lot of blockages or clogging in the arteries (blood vessels) and these Resilin genes from the wings of a fly can cure such disease. This shows the magnificent and perfection and the intelligence of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.

If a fly falls into your glass, drown it. It means, the Resilin genes in its wings would be absorbed by the water that makes the water purified from bacteria found in the other wing.

Who informed The Prophet S.A.W that there is Resilin genes that can cure the clogging in the arteries or blood vessels while those genes are not even visible..?. We can see them through a microscope and it takes many years to study it, but The Prophet S.A.W knew that in the wings of a fly there are remedies and diseases, until the grains of the genes and cells of a fly?s wings had been discovered by Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.

The more a person study about sunnah, hence the more perfect and modern his life would become. Ladies and gentlemen, this shows how magnificent it is our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, whose guidance seemed to be trivial if we have yet to study it. Those who don?t understand would certainly laugh, how could a fly that already falls into the water, should be drown? But The Prophet S.A.W knew ?..fainna fi ihda jana haihi da?an wal ukhra syifa?an? because on its wings there are disease as well as remedy. And in fact, our scientists prove it, the depth and sharpness of the awareness of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W.

Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
This is the perfection of Allah S.W.T in creating the sunnah of The Prophet S.A.W, as written in Shahih Bukhari, Rasul S.A.W declared ?if you sleep, turn off the light.? So simple, we might think that turning off the lights meant that we would save the oil of the lantern, at that time. But actually it was not that simple, in fact the human body produces energy when they sleep and the energy comes out from the body will mend the broken cells in the body, and those energies would be disturbed by the presence of lights. This kind of thing has been discovered by Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W. If you sleep, turn off the lights. At that period of tiem, 14 centuries ago, they didn?t understand about body energy and such. The Prophet S.A.W has known it although at that era, people have yet to come to this kind of knowledge. The Prophet S.A.W taught it, follow His sunnah. Here comes the time to prove it that in fact The Prophet S.A.W knew that the energy which comes out from the human body when sleeping will be disturbed by the light. His command is clear, therefore if you sleep, please turn off the lights to make the energy in your body works well in mending your body. It shows the perfection of the lessons from Muhammad Rasullah S.A.W. and Rasul S.A.W declared ?there is none of you (it means all of you) will face the Creator, the God and he will be standing alone, and nobody will accompany him? (when he stands up to face the Rabb) (Shahih Bukhari).

Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
There are more than 10 million kinds of insects found on this earth and each of the insects has its own different kind of rules. Each insect has its own wing?s speed, ranging from 200 to 400X each second, or even could reach up to 1000X each second. While there are 10 million kinds of insects, then who controls this all? Could the insect systematize its own movement? Or other functions of its muscles and nerves? They could only live without knowing why they live. This is the nature of an insect, a bee with its own benefit, a fly or a mosquito, each represents the sign of the God?s magnificence. And all of them are under Allah?s willing. Recognizing this all, The Great Creator, He is Allah. Return to Him and not to the depth science on a fly or insects but study more on who the creator of it all is, Rabbul Alamin..Allahu Allahu Allahu.

And we all will stand before Allah, the most significant moment. When we contemplate it, we will stand up as our name is called, and we will find as explained fulan bin fulan to come forward in the presence of Allah. As written in Shahih Bukhari, when one of the people came forward to face Allah, he was a person who longed for Allah the most when he was alive on earth. Hence when he was taken to the presence of Allah S.W.T, Allah S.W.T hid all his sins, invisible by other people on that mahsyar field and what they could see were only the rewards of his good deeds. Why? ?Whoever covers the flaws of other person (Moslem?s) in the world, hence on the judgment day, his sins wouldn?t be seen?. (Shahih Bukhari) He had a lot of sins but all were hid by Allah, and not exposed to others, the way any good deeds in the majestic trial on mahsyar field would be checked. On so and so date, day, month, you conducted this, who is the witness? The witnesses are your hands, and legs. ?his hands, legs, and all part of his body are the witnesses?. The earth will witness and the angels too, that this person performed so and so thing, and by that time all his offspring would see, all his friends would see, and his family and relatives and the whole people on earth would see it. But for those who always hide the flaws of other Moslems in the world, Allah will hide their sins. Also for those who come forward to the presence of Allah, those who love Allah and certainly still have sins, Allah S.W.T declared, ?you conducted this and that, conducted sins on so and so day, date and in a certain place,..??, ?yes I did, O? Allah?, ?and look at this one??, Allah would keep on questioning. And he said, ?true, O? Allah, it?s true O? Allah?. Then Allah S.W.T declared ?in the world I protected you, people who don?t know their sins. Now in the Judgment Day I pardon you?. (Shahih Bukhari). So magnificent Allah is, towards those who want to get closer towards Allah Jalla Wa Alla.

Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
As written in Shahih Bukhari, about someone who always recites Surah Al Ikhlas and keeps on repeating it many times. This story has two versions, three versions in Shahih Bukhari and Shahih Muslim. Three different stories but with one meaning, the first story is the story of a person who, every time he finished reciting Surah Al Fatihah, would recite Surah Al Ikhlas and followed by other surah from Al Qur?an. (Al Fatihah ? Al Ikhlas ? other surah from Al. Qu?ran), and we have discussed this story many times.

The second story was from Sayyidatuna Aisyah radiyallahu anha, that someone performed the same thing when he was in war and when he was reported to Prophet S.A.W, Prophet S.A.W said, ?ask him why did he do that??, he replied, ?I?m happy to recite it because in that surah, there are characters of Allah whom I love?, I love to recite the words ?Allahu ahad? (Allah The Only God) in my heart, I will never bow down to others, no matter how many sins I conducted I will never bow down and worship other than Allah? only Allah, I am happy to call His Name....? When Prophet S.A.W came to know about this news, Prophet S.A.W said, ?Please tell him that Allah loves him?. Why? Because he loves to call Allah?s Name, loves to recite the character of Allah, thus Allah also loves him. Ladies and gentlemen, the love towards Allah is the one certainly answered from all kind of love. We could love anyone, but the one that would be certainly answered is the love of Allah. If we love someone, it doesn?t guarantee that person loves us back, we love someone 100% and we cannot guarantee that he would love us 100%. But if someone loves Allah 100%, Allah will love him back 200%.

?Wa idza taqarraba ilayya abdi syibran taqarabbtu ilaihi dzira?an, waidza taqarabba ilayya abdi dzira?an taqarabbtu ilaihi ba?a,? when My servants get closer to Me one span, I will get closer to him one span of arm, My servants get closer to Me one span of arm, I will get even closer to him one fathom,? (Shahih Bukhari). This is a comparison that the love of Allah will be even bigger than our love for Allah. No matter how big your love and long for Allah is, His love towards us will be even bigger. Thus, who wants to refuse the love proposal from Allah and Allah?s desire towards us? Answer the desire of Allah S.W.T and the love of Allah towards us by loving and longing for Allah.

I am a sinner days and nights, and not qualified to long for Allah? In fact, the love and desire for Allah if comes from the sinners when they want to get closer to Allah and regret, Allah S.W.T will raise their level from the lowest rank to the most dignified rank. ?Innallahu yuhibbu tawwabin wa yuhibbu muthathahirin, Innahu kaana tawwaaba? indeed Allah is The Most Gracious and Merciful. No matter how big the sins of the persons are, their request for forgiveness will be accepted by Rabbul Alamin.
As written in Shahih Bukhari, when Rasul S.A.W heard the news that his comrades said Sa?ad radiyallahu anhum declared, ?Whoever dares to get closer to my wife and be together with my wife, I will behead them with this sword?. The comrades informed Rasul S.A.W, ?O? Rasulullah, this Sa?ad wants to make his own rules,? something like that. The Prophet S.A.W changed the topic of conversation into something gentle, while declaring ?are you all confused about Sa?as being jealous and over protective?, I would even more jealous to you all compared to Sa?ad being protective towards his wife?. Sa?ad?s love towards his wife is far less meaningful compared to my love towards all of you and I am more protective to all of you, said Rasul S.A.W. What is the meaning? I would love and even more protective. For example, if Sa?ad saw other men together with his wife, he would attack them with a sword, hence Rasul S.A.W would never let us alone, there are many of his followers in hell, no matter how big their sins are, Rasul S.A.W would fight for them, fight and struggle for them all until there are none of his people left, as he will freed them all from hell. This shows how big it is the love and protectiveness from Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W towards all of us.

?Laqad jaa akum rasulun min anfusikum a?ziizun a?laihi maa a?nittum hariishun a?laikum bil mu?miniina raufurrahiim,? has come to you all, a Prophet who has deep thoughts about the catastrophes that all of you have, very protective to you all and he is very gentle towards faithful people. QS. At Taubah : 128.

As written in Shahih Muslim, when Nabiyullah Ibrahim a.s gave up on his followers who didn?t believe in Allah and Nabiyyullah Isa a.s gave up on his followers who didn?t believe in Allah and committed sins, the tears of The Prophet S.A.W fell down. Jibril (Gabriel) alaihis salam came down when The Prophet S.A.W cried while reciting, ?ummatiy..ummatiy..?. Even in the book written by Imam Nawawi in Syarh Nawawi ala Shahih Muslim, Prophet S.A.W called ?ummatiy..ummatiy?, it means Rasul S.A.W didn?t want to be separated from his followers. He S.A.W raised his hands and prayed to Allah ?ummatiy..ummatiy..?, Jibril a.s came down to earth, ?what makes you cry, O? Rasulullah??, Rasul said ?all Prophets are free from duties and give up on their followers who committed sins while I don?t have the heart to let go my followers who committed sins, O? Jibril?. Hence Jibril returned to Allah and reported ?O? Rabb, Muhammad S.A.W didn?t have the heart and could let go his followers who committed sins, always like that, he still want to defend his followers who are sinners?. Thus Allah S.W.T commanded Jibril to return to The Prophet S.A.W ?kindly inform Muhammad, I will not disappoint him and will never make him sad?. Therefore The Prophet S.A.W will never have the followers who pass away as Moslem but committed sins, no matter how long they will be tortured in their graves and the fire of hell because of their sins, they will eventually arrive in heaven with the syafa?at from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

We perform silent prayer towards Allah S.W.T, may Allah S.W.T extend our longing feelings towards Prophet Muhammad S.A.W and Allah S.W.T. because after Prophet S.A.W said ?I am more jealous (over protective) towards all of you, compared to Sa?ad? hence Rasul S.A.W continued his hadits ?indeed Allah is even more protective that I am?. Allah loves us even more, therefore Allah created Prophet Muhammad S.A.W as the sign of His love towards us.

Ya Rahman Ya Rahim make our soul always respond towards the calls of Your longing feeling, we have heard Your statement O? Allah ?Man ahabba liqaa?iy ahbabtu liqa?ah, whoever long for meeting up with Allah, Allah also long for meeting them,? as written in Shahih Bukhari.

Rabbiy, grow the longing feeling within the soul of all Moslems, make our breath decorated with longing feeling for You, and make such longing feeling remove all sins, get rid of all catastrophes and bad luck, throw away all of our problems and troubles. Ya Rahman Ya Rahim kindly ensure all of our face will be brightened by the light of Your beauty on Yaumal qiyamah, those dazzling faces on Judgment Day, only staring at Allah Jalla Wa Alla. They are staring at the magnificence of Allah, the light of Allah?s beauty, light up their faces while there are empty and dark faces, they know that they will be returned to misery. Rabbiy kindly ensure that our face will be luminously bright with Your light, make sure that we extend our relationship with Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W, make sure we will be meeting up with The Prophet S.A.W at the palace of Rasulullah S.A.W, the most lavish palace in heaven, the palace of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W, the highest palace in heaven is the palace of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. Kindly ensure that we will always attend the noble majelis, majelis taklim, majelis maulid, and majelis shalawat. Kindly ensure that we will be together with Rasulullah S.A.W.

Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Dzaljalali wal ikram, we light up the fire of love within our soul in which may You protect us from all disasters and catastrophes, pour on us the Blessing and Easiness, prosperity in the word and beyond, happiness in the world and beyond, easiness in the world and beyond, magnificence in the world and beyond, welfare in the world and beyond. O? The Owner of the world and beyond, O? The Creator of the whole world and beyond, O? Thy who creates the world and ends it with Judgment Day, O? The Owner of name since the offspring of Adam go through the world and beyond, kindly ensure our safety in the world and beyond.

Faquuluuu jamii?an (recite this together) Ya Allah, Ya Allah..Ya Allah..Ya Allah..

Faquuluuu jamii'an (recite this together) Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah.

Our program is followed by together praying for all Moslems, as mentioned in hadits written in Shahih Muslim, Rasul S.A.W declared ?whoever prays for his Moslem brother, the angels recite ?amin walaka mitsluh? amin and for you what you have prayed for your brother.?
We pray for the wellbeing of all Moslems, those who already passed away, and Moslems who suffer from tortures in their grave, may they be given easiness by Allah S.W.T. Those who are already comfortable may be given more pleasures, and for those are still alive on this earth, may Allah eliminate all troubles, sadness and catastrophes, and be given help by Allah S.W.T. Therefore ladies and gentlemen, we pray for all Moslems, and as big as the number of these Moslems, each of their good deeds will return to us. Hence may Allah answer our prayer and within this prayer there is a hope, requesting the authorities to bring wisdom and prosperity for all of us. The prayer requesting Allah, to give us the leaders who can demolish tyranny and help the weak, the leaders who love faithful people and fight for dignity and justice in this biggest Moslem country in the world.

Washollallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad Nabiyyil Ummiy wa Shohbihi wa Sallam.
Wassalamu?alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 26 August 2009 )

The Secret of a Fly’s Wings

قَالَ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ:
إِذَا وَقَعَ الذُّبَابُ فِي شَرَابِ أَحَدِكُمْ فَلْيَغْمِسْهُ ثُمَّ لِيَنْزِعْهُ فَإِنَّ فِي إِحْدَى جَنَاحَيْهِ دَاءً وَالْأُخْرَى شِفَاءً
(صحيح البخاري)
Rasulullah S.A.W declared:
“If a fly falls into your drink, drown it then take it out, indeed one of its wings has disease while the other wing has the remedy.” (Shahih Bukhari)

ImageAssalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
All the Praise be to Allah S.W.T The Supreme Being, The God Almighty in the world and sky, The Only God and Everlasting even before the whole world has been created, until it is thoroughly created and being guided on how to maintain it by the most perfect guidance, until the world is over. He is (Allah) The Only God without the beginning or the end. Being existed with all creatures that must have the beginning and ending. While Allah is The Creator of the beginning and the end, hence Allah is never dependent on the words of beginning and end.
He is The Only One, The Everlasting S.W.T, “laysa kamitslihi syai’un” there is nothing like Him, He is incomparable. QS. Assyura: 11. And unite all the perfection within His Name, The Only God, Allah S.W.T throughout the periods of time. The more a man learns what the world has; he will understand further the secret of God’s Magnificence. The more he studies the sunnah of The Prophet S.A.W the messenger of Blessings, hence he will further understand how magnificent Allah Jalla Wa Alla and His lessons are.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
Within this noble gathering, gathered as many servants whom souls are seen and noticed by Rabbul Alamin, The Most Observer towards each deepest feeling, The Most Watcher towards all things we have done in life, The Most Omniscient what will happen tomorrow and The Supreme Being Who is able to turn and twist our condition in the future. He is The Only God, Allah Allah Jalla Wa Alla The Most Eternal, Allah who is always glorified and always grand in the whole world, overseeing this World Kingdom with perfection.
Now we have come to the hadits of The Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. As written in Shahih Bukhari, one hadits that sounds trivial but indeed reveals the secret of nobility and perfection as well as modernity of the lessons from Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. He S.A.W declared, “idza waqa’adzdzubabu fi syarabi ahadikum falyaghmishu tsumma liyanzi’hu fainna fi ihda janahaiyhi da’an wal ukhra syifa’an” if a fly falls into your glass, drown it, because one if its wings has disease while the other wing has its remedy.
It doesn’t mean that we must do this all the time. What we are discussing here is indeed not about a fly falling down into the glass that must be drown, because what it means from this hadits is not a command, but something that may neutralize the water from the fly’s poison. This has been proved by our scientists, as they studied about the insects on earth. They found out the enormous marvels of those insects, that a fly flaps its wings 200 to 400X (times) each second. And each second, the fly moves its wings 200 to 400X movements. And for an animal called “Ganjur” even flaps its wings 1000X each second. The scientists studied 4 kinds of insects, they learnt about those creatures and said that they just studied 4 kinds of insects while there are still left approximately more than 10 million kind of insects in this world. And certainly, they found out many discoveries and miracles from those insects, and they said that in each of the wings of a fly, there are elevator and depressor functions, which meant as the function of elevating and lowering its wings. And it moves 200 to 400X each second, and the amazing movement of the fly which always moves in many minutes or even hours. Such fast movement of the muscles that moves the wings of such a tiny fly is amazing.
Allah S.W.T commanded “ya ayyuhannaas..” O’ humankind, has been given to all of you one example, thus listen to the example I have given, those who admit God aside from Allah S.W.T will never be able to create a fly although from naught, although all of them who are worshipped other than Allah gather together.” (QS Al Hajj 73).
All that are worshipped other than Allah gather together to create a fly, they will never be able to do it, they will never be able to create a tiny fly although they are all united.
A tiny fly, as explained by researchers from Australia, in one of its wings they found 1 RESILIN GENE, a gene that has 2 functions, an industrial function and health function. Function towards the industry is that this Resilin gene is much more powerful and enormous than all kind of rubbers found and made by humankind on this earth. The kind of rubber is taken from rubber trees or any other thing, while the Resilin gene found in the wings of a fly is much stronger and more powerful if used as rubber as it has the powerful capacity to push and press as well as the enormous capacity to bounce and these are all found from the wings of a fly and other insect that can vibrate until 1000X each second, like a creature called ‘ganjur’ or other insects.
And for the health function, the Resilin gene is a gene that can cure diseases found in the arteries and nerves. There are a lot of blockages or clogging in the arteries (blood vessels) and these Resilin genes from the wings of a fly can cure such disease. This shows the magnificent and perfection and the intelligence of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.
If a fly falls into your glass, drown it. It means, the Resilin genes in its wings would be absorbed by the water that makes the water purified from bacteria found in the other wing.
Who informed The Prophet S.A.W that there is Resilin genes that can cure the clogging in the arteries or blood vessels while those genes are not even visible..?. We can see them through a microscope and it takes many years to study it, but The Prophet S.A.W knew that in the wings of a fly there are remedies and diseases, until the grains of the genes and cells of a fly’s wings had been discovered by Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W.
The more a person study about sunnah, hence the more perfect and modern his life would become. Ladies and gentlemen, this shows how magnificent it is our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, whose guidance seemed to be trivial if we have yet to study it. Those who don’t understand would certainly laugh, how could a fly that already falls into the water, should be drown? But The Prophet S.A.W knew “..fainna fi ihda jana haihi da’an wal ukhra syifa’an” because on its wings there are disease as well as remedy. And in fact, our scientists prove it, the depth and sharpness of the awareness of Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
This is the perfection of Allah S.W.T in creating the sunnah of The Prophet S.A.W, as written in Shahih Bukhari, Rasul S.A.W declared “if you sleep, turn off the light.” So simple, we might think that turning off the lights meant that we would save the oil of the lantern, at that time. But actually it was not that simple, in fact the human body produces energy when they sleep and the energy comes out from the body will mend the broken cells in the body, and those energies would be disturbed by the presence of lights. This kind of thing has been discovered by Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W. If you sleep, turn off the lights. At that period of tiem, 14 centuries ago, they didn’t understand about body energy and such. The Prophet S.A.W has known it although at that era, people have yet to come to this kind of knowledge. The Prophet S.A.W taught it, follow His sunnah. Here comes the time to prove it that in fact The Prophet S.A.W knew that the energy which comes out from the human body when sleeping will be disturbed by the light. His command is clear, therefore if you sleep, please turn off the lights to make the energy in your body works well in mending your body. It shows the perfection of the lessons from Muhammad Rasullah S.A.W. and Rasul S.A.W declared “there is none of you (it means all of you) will face the Creator, the God and he will be standing alone, and nobody will accompany him” (when he stands up to face the Rabb) (Shahih Bukhari).
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
There are more than 10 million kinds of insects found on this earth and each of the insects has its own different kind of rules. Each insect has its own wing’s speed, ranging from 200 to 400X each second, or even could reach up to 1000X each second. While there are 10 million kinds of insects, then who controls this all? Could the insect systematize its own movement? Or other functions of its muscles and nerves? They could only live without knowing why they live. This is the nature of an insect, a bee with its own benefit, a fly or a mosquito, each represents the sign of the God’s magnificence. And all of them are under Allah’s willing. Recognizing this all, The Great Creator, He is Allah. Return to Him and not to the depth science on a fly or insects but study more on who the creator of it all is, Rabbul Alamin..Allahu Allahu Allahu.
And we all will stand before Allah, the most significant moment. When we contemplate it, we will stand up as our name is called, and we will find as explained fulan bin fulan to come forward in the presence of Allah. As written in Shahih Bukhari, when one of the people came forward to face Allah, he was a person who longed for Allah the most when he was alive on earth. Hence when he was taken to the presence of Allah S.W.T, Allah S.W.T hid all his sins, invisible by other people on that mahsyar field and what they could see were only the rewards of his good deeds. Why? “Whoever covers the flaws of other person (Moslem’s) in the world, hence on the judgment day, his sins wouldn’t be seen”. (Shahih Bukhari) He had a lot of sins but all were hid by Allah, and not exposed to others, the way any good deeds in the majestic trial on mahsyar field would be checked. On so and so date, day, month, you conducted this, who is the witness? The witnesses are your hands, and legs. “his hands, legs, and all part of his body are the witnesses”. The earth will witness and the angels too, that this person performed so and so thing, and by that time all his offspring would see, all his friends would see, and his family and relatives and the whole people on earth would see it. But for those who always hide the flaws of other Moslems in the world, Allah will hide their sins. Also for those who come forward to the presence of Allah, those who love Allah and certainly still have sins, Allah S.W.T declared, “you conducted this and that, conducted sins on so and so day, date and in a certain place,..?”, “yes I did, O’ Allah”, “and look at this one?”, Allah would keep on questioning. And he said, “true, O’ Allah, it’s true O’ Allah”. Then Allah S.W.T declared “in the world I protected you, people who don’t know their sins. Now in the Judgment Day I pardon you”. (Shahih Bukhari). So magnificent Allah is, towards those who want to get closer towards Allah Jalla Wa Alla.
Ladies and gentlemen being glorified by Allah,
As written in Shahih Bukhari, about someone who always recites Surah Al Ikhlas and keeps on repeating it many times. This story has two versions, three versions in Shahih Bukhari and Shahih Muslim. Three different stories but with one meaning, the first story is the story of a person who, every time he finished reciting Surah Al Fatihah, would recite Surah Al Ikhlas and followed by other surah from Al Qur’an. (Al Fatihah – Al Ikhlas – other surah from Al. Qu’ran), and we have discussed this story many times.
The second story was from Sayyidatuna Aisyah radiyallahu anha, that someone performed the same thing when he was in war and when he was reported to Prophet S.A.W, Prophet S.A.W said, “ask him why did he do that?”, he replied, “I’m happy to recite it because in that surah, there are characters of Allah whom I love”, I love to recite the words “Allahu ahad” (Allah The Only God) in my heart, I will never bow down to others, no matter how many sins I conducted I will never bow down and worship other than Allah… only Allah, I am happy to call His Name....” When Prophet S.A.W came to know about this news, Prophet S.A.W said, “Please tell him that Allah loves him”. Why? Because he loves to call Allah’s Name, loves to recite the character of Allah, thus Allah also loves him. Ladies and gentlemen, the love towards Allah is the one certainly answered from all kind of love. We could love anyone, but the one that would be certainly answered is the love of Allah. If we love someone, it doesn’t guarantee that person loves us back, we love someone 100% and we cannot guarantee that he would love us 100%. But if someone loves Allah 100%, Allah will love him back 200%.
“Wa idza taqarraba ilayya abdi syibran taqarabbtu ilaihi dzira’an, waidza taqarabba ilayya abdi dzira’an taqarabbtu ilaihi ba’a,” when My servants get closer to Me one span, I will get closer to him one span of arm, My servants get closer to Me one span of arm, I will get even closer to him one fathom,” (Shahih Bukhari). This is a comparison that the love of Allah will be even bigger than our love for Allah. No matter how big your love and long for Allah is, His love towards us will be even bigger. Thus, who wants to refuse the love proposal from Allah and Allah’s desire towards us? Answer the desire of Allah S.W.T and the love of Allah towards us by loving and longing for Allah.
I am a sinner days and nights, and not qualified to long for Allah… In fact, the love and desire for Allah if comes from the sinners when they want to get closer to Allah and regret, Allah S.W.T will raise their level from the lowest rank to the most dignified rank. “Innallahu yuhibbu tawwabin wa yuhibbu muthathahirin, Innahu kaana tawwaaba” indeed Allah is The Most Gracious and Merciful. No matter how big the sins of the persons are, their request for forgiveness will be accepted by Rabbul Alamin.
As written in Shahih Bukhari, when Rasul S.A.W heard the news that his comrades said Sa’ad radiyallahu anhum declared, “Whoever dares to get closer to my wife and be together with my wife, I will behead them with this sword”. The comrades informed Rasul S.A.W, “O’ Rasulullah, this Sa’ad wants to make his own rules,” something like that. The Prophet S.A.W changed the topic of conversation into something gentle, while declaring “are you all confused about Sa’as being jealous and over protective?, I would even more jealous to you all compared to Sa’ad being protective towards his wife”. Sa’ad’s love towards his wife is far less meaningful compared to my love towards all of you and I am more protective to all of you, said Rasul S.A.W. What is the meaning? I would love and even more protective. For example, if Sa’ad saw other men together with his wife, he would attack them with a sword, hence Rasul S.A.W would never let us alone, there are many of his followers in hell, no matter how big their sins are, Rasul S.A.W would fight for them, fight and struggle for them all until there are none of his people left, as he will freed them all from hell. This shows how big it is the love and protectiveness from Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W towards all of us.
“Laqad jaa akum rasulun min anfusikum a’ziizun a’laihi maa a’nittum hariishun a’laikum bil mu’miniina raufurrahiim,” has come to you all, a Prophet who has deep thoughts about the catastrophes that all of you have, very protective to you all and he is very gentle towards faithful people. QS. At Taubah : 128.
As written in Shahih Muslim, when Nabiyullah Ibrahim a.s gave up on his followers who didn’t believe in Allah and Nabiyyullah Isa a.s gave up on his followers who didn’t believe in Allah and committed sins, the tears of The Prophet S.A.W fell down. Jibril (Gabriel) alaihis salam came down when The Prophet S.A.W cried while reciting, “ummatiy..ummatiy..”. Even in the book written by Imam Nawawi in Syarh Nawawi ala Shahih Muslim, Prophet S.A.W called “ummatiy..ummatiy”, it means Rasul S.A.W didn’t want to be separated from his followers. He S.A.W raised his hands and prayed to Allah “ummatiy..ummatiy..”, Jibril a.s came down to earth, “what makes you cry, O’ Rasulullah?”, Rasul said “all Prophets are free from duties and give up on their followers who committed sins while I don’t have the heart to let go my followers who committed sins, O’ Jibril”. Hence Jibril returned to Allah and reported “O’ Rabb, Muhammad S.A.W didn’t have the heart and could let go his followers who committed sins, always like that, he still want to defend his followers who are sinners”. Thus Allah S.W.T commanded Jibril to return to The Prophet S.A.W “kindly inform Muhammad, I will not disappoint him and will never make him sad”. Therefore The Prophet S.A.W will never have the followers who pass away as Moslem but committed sins, no matter how long they will be tortured in their graves and the fire of hell because of their sins, they will eventually arrive in heaven with the syafa’at from Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
We perform silent prayer towards Allah S.W.T, may Allah S.W.T extend our longing feelings towards Prophet Muhammad S.A.W and Allah S.W.T. because after Prophet S.A.W said “I am more jealous (over protective) towards all of you, compared to Sa’ad” hence Rasul S.A.W continued his hadits “indeed Allah is even more protective that I am”. Allah loves us even more, therefore Allah created Prophet Muhammad S.A.W as the sign of His love towards us.
Ya Rahman Ya Rahim make our soul always respond towards the calls of Your longing feeling, we have heard Your statement O’ Allah “Man ahabba liqaa’iy ahbabtu liqa’ah, whoever long for meeting up with Allah, Allah also long for meeting them,” as written in Shahih Bukhari.
Rabbiy, grow the longing feeling within the soul of all Moslems, make our breath decorated with longing feeling for You, and make such longing feeling remove all sins, get rid of all catastrophes and bad luck, throw away all of our problems and troubles. Ya Rahman Ya Rahim kindly ensure all of our face will be brightened by the light of Your beauty on Yaumal qiyamah, those dazzling faces on Judgment Day, only staring at Allah Jalla Wa Alla. They are staring at the magnificence of Allah, the light of Allah’s beauty, light up their faces while there are empty and dark faces, they know that they will be returned to misery. Rabbiy kindly ensure that our face will be luminously bright with Your light, make sure that we extend our relationship with Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W, make sure we will be meeting up with The Prophet S.A.W at the palace of Rasulullah S.A.W, the most lavish palace in heaven, the palace of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W, the highest palace in heaven is the palace of Sayyidina Muhammad S.A.W. Kindly ensure that we will always attend the noble majelis, majelis taklim, majelis maulid, and majelis shalawat. Kindly ensure that we will be together with Rasulullah S.A.W.
Ya Rahman Ya Rahim Ya Dzaljalali wal ikram, we light up the fire of love within our soul in which may You protect us from all disasters and catastrophes, pour on us the Blessing and Easiness, prosperity in the word and beyond, happiness in the world and beyond, easiness in the world and beyond, magnificence in the world and beyond, welfare in the world and beyond. O’ The Owner of the world and beyond, O’ The Creator of the whole world and beyond, O’ Thy who creates the world and ends it with Judgment Day, O’ The Owner of name since the offspring of Adam go through the world and beyond, kindly ensure our safety in the world and beyond.
Faquuluuu jamii’an (recite this together) Ya Allah, Ya Allah..Ya Allah..Ya Allah..
Faquuluuu jamii'an (recite this together) Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah.
Our program is followed by together praying for all Moslems, as mentioned in hadits written in Shahih Muslim, Rasul S.A.W declared “whoever prays for his Moslem brother, the angels recite “amin walaka mitsluh” amin and for you what you have prayed for your brother.”
We pray for the wellbeing of all Moslems, those who already passed away, and Moslems who suffer from tortures in their grave, may they be given easiness by Allah S.W.T. Those who are already comfortable may be given more pleasures, and for those are still alive on this earth, may Allah eliminate all troubles, sadness and catastrophes, and be given help by Allah S.W.T. Therefore ladies and gentlemen, we pray for all Moslems, and as big as the number of these Moslems, each of their good deeds will return to us. Hence may Allah answer our prayer and within this prayer there is a hope, requesting the authorities to bring wisdom and prosperity for all of us. The prayer requesting Allah, to give us the leaders who can demolish tyranny and help the weak, the leaders who love faithful people and fight for dignity and justice in this biggest Moslem country in the world. Washollallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad Nabiyyil Ummiy wa Shohbihi wa Sallam.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 26 August 2009 )